
How to Become a Pro Pickleball Player: Expert Tips and Tricks

In recent years, prize money in professional pickleball has seen a significant rise, reflecting the sport’s growing popularity. For those wondering how to become a pro pickleball player, it’s important to understand both the competitive landscape and the major tours, like the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) and the Association of Pickleball Professionals (APP), as well as ranking systems such as UTPR and DUPR.

Assessing Your Readiness

Becoming a professional pickleball player isn’t solely about mastering technique. It begins with a deep, introspective assessment of your readiness.
    • Passion and Dedication: To embark on this journey, you must possess an unyielding passion for pickleball. This sport, like any other professional endeavor, requires hours of practice, mental fortitude, and a willingness to relentlessly pursue improvement. Picture your dedication as the fuel that powers your journey it must be abundant and unwavering.
    • Age: While pickleball is inclusive of all ages, age can impact your journey. Younger players often have more time to develop and more physically resilient bodies. However, many top pickleball players find success later in life, proving that age is just a number when passion and dedication are present.
    • Financial Considerations: Professional training, equipment, and travel come with financial implications. Understanding the financial commitment required and planning accordingly is crucial. Consider creating a budget that includes costs for coaching, tournament fees, gear, and travel expenses.

Understanding the Game

Understanding the intricacies of pickleball is fundamental to mastering it. Let’s delve into the unique aspects of this sport.
    • The Basics of Pickleball: Pickleball is played on a court similar to a badminton court but with a modified tennis net. The scoring system is straightforward, with games played to 11 or 21 points, and only the serving side can score. Equipment includes a paddle, a lightweight ball, and proper court attire.
    • Unique Aspects of Pickleball:
        • Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen): The non-volley zone extends seven feet from either side of the net. Players cannot volley (hit the ball in the air) while standing in this zone, adding a strategic dimension to the game.
        • Serve Rules: The serve in pickleball is underhand, and the ball must be hit below the waist level, ensuring fair play.
        • Two-Bounce Rule: After the serve, each side must let the ball bounce once before volleys are allowed. This rule prevents serve-and-volley domination and elongates rallies.
    • Mastering the Fundamentals:
        • Dinking: A soft shot that lands in the opponent’s kitchen, dinking requires precision and control.
        • Volleying: The act of hitting the ball before it bounces. Mastering this requires quick reflexes and control.
        • Serving: The serve can set the stage for point control. Variations like the power serve, spin serve, and lob serve can be strategically advantageous.
        • Third-Shot Drops: This shot is crucial in transitioning from defense to offense, typically landing softly in the kitchen, forcing opponents to hit upward and thus minimizing their attacking potential.

Building Your Pickleball Arsenal

Every aspiring pro needs the right tools to succeed. Choosing the right equipment and attire can significantly impact your performance.
    • Equipment: Selecting the right paddle involves considering grip size, weight, and material. For instance, lightweight paddles are excellent for quick movements, while heavier paddles provide more power.
        • Grip Size: A proper grip size ensures better control and less strain on your hand. Measure your hand’s circumference to determine the ideal size.
        • Weight: Weight affects swing speed and power. Beginners might prefer a mid-weight paddle (7.3-8.4 ounces), while advanced players might choose heavier or lighter options based on their playing style.
        • Material: Paddles come in materials like wood, composite, and graphite. Graphite paddles are lightweight and provide excellent control, making them a popular choice among professionals.
    • Pickleball Attire: Functionality and comfort should guide your choice of attire.
        • Shoes: Select court-specific shoes that offer support and grip, reducing the risk of injury.
        • Clothing: Opt for moisture-wicking fabrics to stay cool and comfortable during intense matches. Consider brands known for their sportswear quality, such as Nike, Adidas, or Under Armour.

Developing Your Skills

Achieving excellence in pickleball requires continuous skill refinement. Let’s break down the key components of enhancing your game.
    • Developing Core Skills:
        • Dinking: Improve control and consistency through drills that focus on soft touches and dinking under pressure.
        • Volleying: Practice drills that enhance hand-eye coordination and reaction speed. Engage in exercises that simulate game scenarios to build your reflexes.
        • Serving: Vary your serve to keep opponents guessing. Incorporate drills that enhance power, accuracy, and spin.
        • Overhead Smashes: This powerful shot can be a game-changer. Work on positioning, timing, and power to execute successful smashes.
    • Footwork and Agility Drills: Agility and footwork are pivotal in pickleball.
        • Ladder Drills: These drills enhance coordination and speed, crucial for quick lateral movements.
        • Shadow Drills: Mimic game scenarios without a ball to improve footwork and positioning.
    • Strategic Gameplay:
        • Shot Placement: Work on placing shots to force opponents into difficult positions, disrupting their rhythm.
        • Reading Opponents: Develop the ability to anticipate your opponent’s moves by observing their patterns and tendencies.
        • Developing a Winning Game Plan: Enter each match with a strategy tailored to your opponent’s weaknesses and your strengths.
    • The Mental Game:
        • Focus and Concentration: Train your mind to stay in the moment, blocking out distractions and maintaining peak performance.
        • Resilience: Learn to recover from mistakes quickly and adjust strategies mid-game.
        • Adaptability: Stay flexible in your approach, ready to change tactics based on the match’s flow and opponent’s style.

Taking Your Game to the Next Level

Advancing to professional play requires more than just skill; it demands a comprehensive approach that includes expert guidance, competitive experience, and community involvement.
    • Find a Coach: A qualified coach can offer tailored advice, correct technical flaws, and help develop advanced strategies. Seek out coaches with proven track records and an understanding of professional play.
    • Join a Pickleball Club: Clubs provide opportunities for regular practice, competitive play, and access to a community of like-minded individuals. Engage in club leagues and events to hone your skills.
    • Compete in Tournaments: Participating in tournaments is essential for gaining experience and exposure.
        • Local Tournaments: Start with local events to build confidence and understand the competitive landscape.
        • Regional and National Tournaments: Gradually move to higher-level tournaments to face stronger competition and gain ranking points.
        • International Competitions: For the truly ambitious, international tournaments offer exposure on a global stage and opportunities to learn from diverse playing styles.

Training and Conditioning

Peak physical fitness is a hallmark of professional athletes. A well-rounded training program will enhance your performance on the court.
  • The Importance of Physical Fitness: Endurance, strength, power, flexibility, and agility are critical for peak performance.
  • Developing a Comprehensive Training Program:
    • Strength Training: Incorporate exercises like squats, push-ups, and resistance band workouts to build muscle and power.
    • Cardiovascular Training: Activities such as running, cycling, and HIIT workouts will enhance stamina and endurance.
    • Flexibility Training: Regular stretching and mobility exercises prevent injuries and improve range of motion.
  • Proper Nutrition and Hydration: A balanced diet rich in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates fuels your body. Stay hydrated with water and electrolyte solutions, especially during intense play.
  • Staying Healthy:
    • Injury Prevention: Warm up before play and cool down afterward to prevent strains and sprains.
    • Rest and Recovery: Schedule rest days to allow your body to heal and prevent overtraining.
    • Addressing Minor Injuries: Treat injuries promptly with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE method) and seek professional medical advice if necessary.

The Professional Pickleball Landscape

Understanding the professional landscape of pickleball is essential for aspiring pros. Different organizations and rankings systems will guide your path.
  • Professional Pickleball Organizations:
  • Competing at the Professional Level:
    • Eligibility Requirements: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for professional play, including age, ranking, and skill assessments.
    • Tournament Registration: Understand the process for registering in professional tournaments, including fees and deadlines.
    • Ranking System: Familiarize yourself with the ranking system and how points are accumulated through tournament participation.
  • The Path to Pro:
    • Local to National: Progress from local competitions to national tournaments, building your skill and reputation.
    • Earning a Ranking: Consistently perform well in tournaments to achieve a ranking that qualifies you for professional events.
    • Entering the Pro Circuit: Once you reach the top rankings, enter the professional circuit and compete against the best in the world.
  • Managing Travel, Expenses, and Sponsorships:
    • Travel Planning: Plan travel efficiently to minimize costs and maximize performance.
    • Financial Management: Manage winnings and endorsements wisely to sustain your career.
    • Sponsorship Opportunities: Seek endorsements from brands that align with your personal brand and values.

Building Your Brand and Network

Creating a strong personal brand and networking with key players in the industry can open doors and lead to career-enhancing opportunities.
  • The Value of Creating a Strong Personal Brand: A strong brand differentiates you from competitors and attracts sponsors and fans.
    • Authenticity: Be genuine in your interactions and showcase your unique personality.
    • Professionalism: Maintain a high level of professionalism both on and off the court.
  • Leveraging Social Media:
    • Instagram: Share highlights, workout routines, and behind-the-scenes content.
    • YouTube: Create tutorials, vlogs, and match analyses to engage with a broader audience.
    • Twitter: Provide real-time updates and interact with fans and fellow players.
  • Networking with Other Players, Coaches, and Industry Professionals:
    • Attend Events: Engage in mixers and networking events at tournaments.
    • Mentorship: Seek advice from seasoned pros and build mutually beneficial relationships.
    • Collaboration: Partner with other players for joint ventures, clinics, and camps.
  • Sponsorship and Brand Deals:
    • Approach Potential Sponsors: Pitch your value proposition to brands that align with your personal brand.
    • Nurture Relationships: Maintain open communication with sponsors to ensure long-standing partnerships.
  • Giving Back to the Pickleball Community:
    • Coaching and Clinics: Share your knowledge with aspiring players.
    • Advocacy: Promote the sport and its benefits within your community.
    • Charity: Participate in charity events and initiatives to give back.
Understanding the business aspects of a professional pickleball career is crucial for long-term success.
  • Understanding Contracts, Prize Money, and Earnings Potential:
    • Read Contracts Carefully: Ensure you understand the terms and conditions of your contracts.
    • Prize Money: Know how prize distributions work in tournaments.
    • Additional Earnings: Explore avenues for earning through clinics, lessons, and endorsements.
  • Managing Finances:
    • Budgeting: Create and stick to a budget to manage expenses efficiently.
    • Investing: Consider investing winnings wisely for long-term financial security.
  • Balancing Pickleball with Other Income Streams:
    • Side Careers: Explore complementary careers such as coaching, writing, or speaking engagements.
  • Planning for the Long-Term:
    • Career Longevity: Focus on health and fitness to prolong your playing career.
    • Post-Retirement: Plan for life after professional play by developing skills and interests outside of pickleball.


Becoming a pro pickleball player is an exhilarating journey that demands dedication, strategic planning, and an unyielding passion for the game. Follow a structured approach to training, focus on developing both physical and mental skills, and immerse yourself in the pickleball community. Stay committed to continuous improvement, embrace challenges, and pursue your dreams with confidence and determination. By following these steps and maintaining a persistent and positive mindset, you can achieve your goal of becoming a professional pickleball player and leave a lasting impact on the sport. Embrace the challenge, put in the effort, and let your love for pickleball guide you on this rewarding journey.