
Paddle Tennis vs Pickleball: Key Differences and Similarities

Both paddle tennis and pickleball are rapidly growing sports, but a glance at the courts reveals clear differences. Are these games simply variations on a theme, or are there deeper distinctions in how they play? This article dives into the key features of paddle tennis vs pickleball, helping you decide which one might be the perfect fit for you

What is Pickleball?

Imagine a game that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, where a perforated plastic ball zips back and forth over a net, and players wield large, lightweight paddles. This is pickleball. Originating from a summer boredom buster for a family in Washington State, pickleball has become a global sensation.The court is approximately 20 feet wide by 44 feet long, smaller than a tennis court but spacious enough to allow for dynamic play. The net is 36 inches high at the sidelines but drops to 34 inches in the middle, creating a distinct playing setup. One of the unique features of pickleball is the non-volley zone, or “kitchen,” which extends 7 feet from the net on both sides. This area prevents players from executing smashes close to the net, promoting a gentler, more strategic play known as “dinking.”With scoring up to 11 points (winning by at least 2), pickleball games are often fast-paced and filled with strategic maneuvering. The equipment comprising lightweight, perforated paddles and a plastic ball with holes makes the game accessible and easy to pick up. Whether played as singles or doubles, the sport fosters a competitive yet friendly atmosphere, drawing in players of all ages and skill levels.

What is Paddle Tennis?

Paddle tennis is a sport brimming with history and tradition. Developed in the early 20th century by Episcopal minister Frank Peer Beal, it aimed to provide a tailored and skillful sport adapted to the bustling urban space of Manhattan. The game is played on an enclosed court roughly 50 by 20 feet, with a solid back wall that extends around the perimeter a feature that differentiates it significantly from its pickleball counterpart.The paddles used in paddle tennis are solid and heavier, made from wood or composite materials, designed to deliver powerful, precise shots. The ball, although similar to a tennis ball, is slightly smaller and heavier, designed to withstand the vigors of a fast-paced game. Paddle tennis courts are also characterized by their smaller net, standing about 31 inches high a few inches shorter than a pickleball net.Gameplay in paddle tennis is intense and quick. The focus lies on volleys, rapid exchanges, and technical finesse, demanding excellent hand-eye coordination and agility. The matches are often set to the best of 3 or 5 sets, with scoring systems similar to traditional tennis. One notable aspect is the strategic use of walls, allowing for innovative shot placements that can turn the tide of a match in seconds.

Comparing Pickleball and Paddle Tennis

While both sports involve paddles and a net, their equipment, court dimensions, and gameplay mechanics diverge significantly.


    • Paddles:
        • Pickleball: Pickleball paddles are generally larger and lighter. They have a perforated surface and are made from various materials like wood, composite, or graphite.
        • Paddle Tennis: Paddle tennis uses more solid and heavier paddles, typically crafted from wood or composite materials without perforations.
    • Balls:
        • Pickleball: The ball used in pickleball is a perforated plastic ball, often likened to a whiffle ball. It is lighter and has a more controlled bounce.
        • Paddle Tennis: Paddle tennis utilizes a ball similar to a tennis ball but slightly smaller and heavier. It has a firmer bounce, adding to the game’s fast pace.

Court Size and Layout

The differences in court dimensions and layouts between the two sports greatly influence gameplay dynamics.
    • Pickleball Court:
        • Dimensions: 20 feet by 44 feet
        • Net Height: 36 inches at sidelines, 34 inches in the center
        • Unique Feature: Non-volley zone (the kitchen), extending 7 feet from the net
    • Paddle Tennis Court:
        • Dimensions: 50 feet by 20 feet
        • Net Height: Approximately 31 inches
        • Unique Feature: Enclosed court with solid back walls

Gameplay and Rules

    • Serving:
        • Pickleball: Players must serve underhand, ensuring the paddle makes contact below the waist. The serve is made diagonally across the court, similar to tennis.
        • Paddle Tennis: Serves can be executed either underhand or overhand. The more powerful overhand serves create a different dynamic, emphasizing speed from the onset.
    • Scoring:
        • Pickleball: Games are played up to 11 points, but players must win by a margin of 2 points.
        • Paddle Tennis: The scoring is similar to traditional tennis, with points counted as 15, 30, 40, and game. Matches are typically the best of 3 or 5 sets.
    • Other Rules:
        • Pickleball’s Non-Volley Zone: The 7-foot zone closest to the net, known as the “kitchen,” prohibits volleying, making it unique and promoting a strategic, point-calculated style of play.
        • Paddle Tennis’ Wall Rule: The use of the court walls adds complexity to shot selection and game strategy, a feature absent in pickleball.

Playing Styles

The strategic depth and physical demands of both sports offer a rich tapestry of gameplay styles.
    • Pickleball Style:
        • Emphasis on positioning, dinks, and volleys.
        • Strategic utilization of the non-volley zone.
        • A more social and accessible game, often played in a relaxed setting.
    • Paddle Tennis Style:
        • Focus on quick reflexes, hard volleys, and wall play.
        • A high-speed game requiring precision and agility.
        • More traditional, with a dedicated following in private clubs and competitive circuits.

Benefits of Pickleball and Paddle Tennis

Physical Benefits

Both sports are excellent for maintaining physical health.
    • Cardiovascular Health: Engaging in either sport can lead to improved cardiovascular fitness, as both require constant movement, quick footwork, and swift changes in direction.
    • Muscle Strength: Paddle tennis, with its heavier paddles and faster ball speed, can enhance upper body strength whereas, pickleball, though involving a lighter paddle, still promotes muscle endurance and control.
    • Hand-Eye Coordination: Both sports demand excellent hand-eye coordination, as players need to precisely control their shots and react swiftly to their opponents’ moves.

Social Benefits

    • Community and Social Interaction: The social aspect of pickleball, with its generally more relaxed and inclusive atmosphere, fosters community building and a sense of camaraderie.
    • Networking and Relationship Building: Paddle tennis, often played in private clubs, provides opportunities for networking and relationship building among players. It tends to create a close-knit community with strong traditions.


    • Ease of Learning: Due to its simpler rules and slower pace, pickleball is often easier for beginners to pick up, making it accessible to players of all ages and skill levels.
    • Court Availability: Pickleball courts are increasingly popular and available in community centers and public parks, contributing to its rapid growth in participation.
    • Low Impact Nature: Both sports offer low-impact exercise options, suitable for people looking to engage in physical activity without putting excessive strain on their joints.

Which Sport is Right for You?

The choice between pickleball and paddle tennis ultimately hinges on personal preferences and what you seek in a sport.
    • Desired Pace of Play: If you crave fast-paced gameplay with a competitive edge and intricate shot-making, paddle tennis may appeal to you more.
    • Preference for Strategy or Athleticism: Pickleball offers a mix of strategic plays and inclusive, accessible participation. It’s great for those who appreciate tactical dinking and a communal spirit.
    • Social Aspects: Pickleball’s growing popularity and social dimension make it an excellent choice for those looking to connect with a broader community. In contrast, paddle tennis might entice those who value deep-rooted traditions and a close-knit competitive environment.


To sum up, both paddle tennis and pickleball provide unique and exhilarating experiences. Paddle tennis impresses with its fast pace, technical depth, and strategic wall plays, catering to players who enjoy a more traditional and competitive sport. Pickleball, on the other hand, charms with its strategic dinking, accessible rules, and robust social community, welcoming a diverse range of players.Whether you’re captivated by the swift volleys of paddle tennis or the strategic engagements of pickleball, each sport offers a rewarding journey of skill and camaraderie. Why not try both and discover which one resonates most with you? Whichever you choose, you’ll gain not only a new sport but also a vibrant community and a path to better health and enjoyment.